Green is a fantastic adventure lived through several episodes. The spirit of Zimeï and his companions will have to achieve different missions : go and meet the guide Axemist; free Qzed and Durwan from the hands of Draks; save from madness the Realm of Samanga, by recovering Equilibra; pass the 6 tests of Scorpean; find and cross the Gate; reach the Temple and carry out the prophecy... And all this without forgetting the main quest : reunify the spirit of Zimeï in his petrified body.
During this odyssey through this gigantic forest named Green, they will find magic objects, weapons, will use magic spells and could venture on the alchemy. They will cross places so absurd as weird, as the Realm of Samanga or the paradisiac and magic lands. They will have to fight devilish beings, plants and hostile animals... And will arrive the day, they will walk of their feet on the GROUND.
G a m e D e s i g n | Alexandre Garcia, Bruno Wieckowski |
P r o g r a m m i n g | Bruno Wieckowski |
2 D D i g i t a l A r t s | Alexandre Garcia, Anthony Gourc |
3 D D i g i t a l A r t s | Michel Rousseau |
S c e n a r i o | Hervé Negreiros, Alain Negreiros |
M u s i c s | Yvan Cortey, Alexandre Garcia, Cyril Andrieu |
V o i c e s & S o u n d f x | Alexandre Garcia, Bruno Wieckowski |